Gala ®Royal Beaut

Gala ®Royal Beaut

Gala is a cultivar which ripens in autumn, with high quality fruits very popular on the EU market. The fruit is medium in size and conical in shape. Its skin is glossy and an intense dark red color covers almost the entire fruit even those growing in the shade. The flesh is yellow-white, very firm, succulent, aromatic and sweet. The fruits can be stored for up to 5 months in ULO cold storage. Good pollinators for this variety are Breaburn, Delblusch, Elstar, Fuji, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Pinova, Red Delicious, Evereste, Prof. Sprenger and Rubens. Many clones were selected that are characterized by a better top color which can be in streaks or in spots on the yellow-green base. Some clones in wide use today are Schnitzer Gala, Royal Beaut, Fendeca, etc. This cultivar is not prone to physiological illnesses and yield variation and it is also resistant to apple scab and powdery mildew. It ripens at the end of August.

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