Apple Cider

Wash some apples. Peel, core and slice them. Put the apple slices in the blender and blend them into a homogeneous mixture. The finer the puree, the more juice can be extracted. Sift the puree through gauze into a bowl. The gauze serves as a colander and filters the juice, while retaining the pulp. To extract more juice, the puree must be pressed with force. If you wish to give the squeezed juice a different aroma, you can try adding various spices, such as clove, nutmeg, lemon zest, ginger or a cinnamon stick. If you wish to "boost" the drink and make an alcoholic cider, you can add a bit of rum or brown sugar. If you store the juice in an air-tight container in the refrigerator, it will last for seven days. You can also pasteurize the drink by heating it at 70º C; this will keep it fresh for up to three weeks.